The highlight of the trip was definitely the Schofield Pass Trail. This was for two reasons. Firstly, the incredible scenery. I honestly have trouble imagining how anyone could believe there is not a Divine Creator responsible for such marvelous works. The second feature of Schofield that made it so awesome was the fact that it is one of the most deadly 4-wheeling trails in Colorado, and we made it through without a scratch on Shad's Land-Cruiser.The most dangerous part is just after the creek crossing shown below. Supposedly, many less experienced drivers do not take time to let their brakes dry. As a result, when they come to the narrow shelf road that follows immediately, leading down into the canyon, they have no way to control their speed. I should have taken some pics of the shelves, but at the time I was more concerned with spotting for Shad than photographing the decent. However, you can see a little glimpse of the trail over the waterfall below.
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